from our PTA Council of Howard County representatives from CLES
Blene Bekure and Corinne Happel (ptachc@clespta.org)
Participate in Advocacy for Our Schools
The PTA receives questions like:
Why are all our fifth graders in portables this year?
How can we get a new playground and more green space for children to play outdoors in the shade?
Why isn’t Centennial Lane Elementary School on the 10-year long-plan master plan for capital funding in Howard County?
How can we share our thoughts about student cell phone policies?
Renovations are needed for the high school our children are districted to attend in a few years; these have been pushed back until 2036 when current kindergarteners will be high school seniors. What can we do to advocate for funding for important projects like this to happen sooner?
Whether you’ve asked these questions yourself or have other school-related concerns on your mind, joining the PTA is a great way to stay informed and to work with others to advocate for all students in Howard County. For concerns specifically about CLES, our principal, Mrs. Albright (tracey_albright@hcpss.org), is always a great first contact for your questions as well.
Starting this school year, we’ll be sending updates at least quarterly to registered PTA members with answers to common questions that families are asking and key points from PTACHC meetings.
The PTA Council of Howard County (PTA-CHC) welcomes our participation on advocacy issues throughout the year. There are usually shortages of community members advocating to fund our school system both at the local (Howard County) and the state level. Multiple issues are raised each year; the PTA-CHC cannot tackle all of them. School PTAs can pursue their own advocacy efforts. Individuals are also encouraged to advocate as needs/concerns arise.
Please contact our PTACHC representatives (ptachc@clespta.org) for any advocacy related ideas or concerns. They can work with you on advocacy issues or bring them up with PTA-CHC.
All school community members are welcome to register to speak in person or virtually at school board meetings that are usually held twice monthly. You can register to speak up to 3 minutes at each meeting on almost any topic that you have concerns about. There are also opportunities to speak to the Howard County Council and state legislature. All are welcome.
Announcements for March 2025
In the incoming school year, the below policies are being proposed to be reviewed. If you are interested in representing PTACHC on any of the policy review committees that will be formed around any of the policies going up for full review, please reach out.
2025-26 School Year Proposed Policy Activity
Updates from the Board of Education
On Tuesday, March 4th, the Board will vote on the operating budget that will be sent to the County Executive.
On Thursday, March 20th, please sign up to speak at the county level in favor of fully funding the Board of Education's request.
School Announcements:
March 31st is no longer a day off of school for students
June 18th is now the last day of school.
School Bus Coverage 2025-26
HCPSS has not yet provided maps to students and families for the transportation and non-transportation zones for next year (which students will and won't receive school bus service). Policy 5200 was revised last school year which will increase school bus service in some areas. We asked for a date when families can expect to receive this information.
Position Statements voted/passed tonight:
STATE Legislation:
House Bill 38 -- PTACHC opposes overly restricting APFO.
PTACHC opposes removing restrictions to build in overcrowded school areas.
COUNTY Legislation:
Bill 1825 (eliminates APFO protections for certain housing projects): PTACHC opposes this bill.
Bill 20-25 (Excess surplus funding will allow funds to be directed to HCPSS deferred maintenance): PTACHC supports this bill.
PTA Council of Howard County Updates February 2025
Position Statements voted on and passed:
Ho.Co. 2-25: Howard County Board of Education – Board Member Terms and Compensation Commission
PTACHC supports the position to establish a compensation committee but has concerns about the costs of such a committee.
PTACHC opposes the portion of the bill that changes the current election cycle.
Ho.Co. 11-25: Howard County Superintendent – Contract – Required Provisions (WITHDRAWN)
PTACHC supports the legislation should the superintendent’s contract be terminated.
Ho.Co. 15-25: Howard County – Study on Detecting Deadly Weapons in Public Middle and High School
Our PTACHC president reached out to our Delegation for a cost on this study. Response was that it cannot be determined until after it is approved.
PTACHC will not call for a vote on a position because we could not come to a consensus. Dr. Chen will take feedback back to BOE for potential amendments.
Ho.Co. 10-25: Howard County – Board of Education – Mandatory School Holidays
PTACHC opposes this bill.
PTACHC opposes this bill; PTACHC does not support caps on the maximum wait time for developments.
Introductions: (New this school year):
Brian Hull: Chief Financial Officer (was previously with Montgomery Public Schools).
Cornell Brown: Chief Operating Officer
Capital Budget Criterion Standardization Process
Stakeholder Meetings ongoing
Send feedback to BOE@hcpss.org
New Cell Phone Policy in effect March 3
Contact us.
Blene Bekure
Corinne Happel
CLES PTA representatives to the PTA Council of Howard County