Helpful links to CLES (Centennial Lane Elementary School) and HCPSS (Howard County Public School System) resources.
CLES Resources
CLES Dolphin Detail | weekly school newsletter
how to report absences, late arrivals, early dismissals, discretionary absences
CLES Groups
CLES Music Boosters | volunteer, parent-run, non-profit organization that supports the CLES Orchestra, Band and Chorus
CLES Little Dolphins on Facebook | PTA sponsored group for families of incoming Pre-K and K students
HCPSS Resources
HCPSS status: closure, late opening, or early closing announcements
LINQ Connect | school meal menu and payment system
HCPSS Pride | has an excellent family Read the Rainbow book club
HCPSS Call Center | includes language services (Bilingual Community Liaisons check the messages daily.)