Safety First!
Student Arrival & Safety Reminders

If you or another designated adult drives your child(ren) to school, please read the following and be prepared to alter your morning routine:
1) You CANNOT turn left into the parking lot from Centennial Lane. Please alter your travel route to only turn right into the parking lot.
2) The car rider drop off funnels into the left lane that proceeds to the drop off location where staff will open your door to allow your child to exit. Please DO NOT allow your child to exit the car without an adult present.
3) We will NO LONGER be directing cars over to drop off along the sidewalk after the buses exit, this has proven to be unsafe for staff.
4) Vehicles that arrive into the parking lot by 8:39 AM will be allowed to proceed to the drop off area.
5) Vehicles that arrive after 8:39 AM will be held at the first crosswalk until the lot clears and will then will be required to park their car and walk their child into the school building. Not arriving before 8:39 AM will cause a delay to your morning, so please adjust your morning routine to arrive before this time.
We also request that children with bus service ride the bus to and from school to decrease the traffic flow into the school. If you are a walker, please consider walking.
Above all, we ask that you value the safety of our students, staff, and others ABOVE all else. We understand that many are in a rush to get to work, drop off other students, etc., but this should never take priority over following the safety protocols we have in place.
Again, if you drive your child to school, you will need to arrive between 8:30-8:39 AM to use the drop off area with staff. Otherwise, you will be stopped and will be required to park and walk your child to the building.
Student Arrival Info & Safety Reminders
Please review this important information, even if you child rides the bus, so we are all aware of how to create a safe space at CLES during arrival and dismissal.
Safety on School Grounds
We have observed a significant increase of unsafe choices by adults dropping off/picking up students at arrival and dismissal. These unsafe choices have led to several near-misses and have put staff and other students at risk.
These unsafe choices include:
- Adults walking across the parking lot during arrival and dismissal to drop off or pick up their child at locations other than the crosswalks where adults are on-duty to stop traffic for safe crossing.
-Adults parking along Centennial Lane and having their child exit the vehicle, climb over the guardrail, walk down the hill, and out into areas of the parking lot to cross and get to the school on their own.
-Adults allowing their child to exit the vehicle at a location in the parking lot not designated for drop-off staffed with staff members.
-Adults allowing their child to exit from the right side/passenger side of the vehicle in the car rider line into the space where buses are exiting the parking lot.
-Adults pulling out of the car rider line and into the lane designated for buses to exit the parking lot.
-Adults pulling forward in their vehicle before the door their child has exited from has been closed.
- Adults on cell phones and focused on conversation rather than driving and following the guidance of staff on duty.
These are just a few examples of the most frequent (occurring weekly) unsafe choices we are observing.
Regardless of the rush of your morning and afternoon schedules, it does not outweigh the need to prioritize the safety of our staff and students.
We can't reinforce this enough, SAFETY is our priority and we are asking for your help and support.
Please review these important safety reminders with your child and model these expectations when you are on school grounds.
Walkers and Bike Riders
+Use the sidewalks or paved paths on the property.
+In the parking lot, cross only at the designated crosswalks where an adult is on duty.
+Leave your home in enough time to walk/bike to school by 8:40 at the latest.
Car Riders
+Drive your vehicle into the parking lot and into the car rider line.
+Stop your vehicle before each crosswalk.
+Be focused and look for students/staff in the parking lot and be prepared to stop in a moment's notice.
+Look for and follow the directions of staff in the parking lot.
+Ensure your child(ren) remains in the vehicle until a staff member approaches to help them exit.
+Have your child exit from the passenger side of the vehicle.
+Never ask your child to climb up/down the hill and up/over the guardrail along Centennial Lane. THIS IS PROHIBITED and a MAJOR safety risk
+Leave your home in enough time to arrive to school by 8:40 AM at the latest. Please factor in traffic and arrive as close to 8:30 AM as possible.
Please see the visual reminder about the student arrival times: