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Community News

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PTACHC Council of Howard County Updates for March 2025

Special Education Program Review Survey

  • RTI International, a Board of Education-approved consultant leading a review of the HCPSS special education programs, is conducting an in-depth analysis to highlight strong programming currently in place, find opportunities for growth, and develop suggestions for future, high-quality services and programs.

  • Parents/guardians and community members are encouraged to take a few minutes to complete an online survey by March 28 to help inform RTI’s recommendations.

ReIMAGINE the Rainbow Event

  • All students, staff, parents, and community members are invited to an evening of advocacy on Friday, April 25 from (5:00PM) 6:00PM - 9:15PM at Centennial High School. Headlining the evening will be Ellen Oh (author and founder of We Need Diverse Books) and Phil Bilder (author).

  • Following the keynote session, participants will have the opportunity to select from 14 different sessions to attend in two consecutive time blocks. Sessions are informational, interactive, and in some cases, hands-on.

  • Childcare will be provided for students in grades K-5.

  • While this event is FREE, all participants must register.

  • More information can be found on our webpage, along with the registration form

Recognize an Educator for Enriching Advanced-Level Learners

  • Through March 28, families and students have the opportunity to recognize a G/T Resource Teacher, content or classroom teacher, school counselor, administrator, achievement liaison or HCPSS-affiliated advisor who has enriched the educational experience of advanced-level learners. All educators for whom submissions are received will be recognized.

Ongoing PTA News


Need gift ideas for your favorite CLES teachers, administrators, and staff? Find their wish lists here: Gift Ideas

PTA Supply Closet

Teachers need these items for their classrooms. Please shop this Amazon wish list to keep their supply closet stocked. Please send directly to the school or drop off with a note in the vestibule.

Grade Level Spirit Colors for 2024-2025

Get ready for spirit events for the 2024-2025 school year.
See your grade level colors. Order spirit wear.

Fundraising: Box Tops

Our goal is $1,000 for CLES this year, and I know we can achieve it!! So invite your friends and family members!

Learn more and download the app today:

Important Links

Become a PTA member: GiveBacks (MemberHub) online store (one-time fee of $10 per adult, per school year)

CLES PTA Website: (best way to stay informed of events, announcements, etc.)

CLES PTA Facebook: (follow us!)

CLES PTA Instagram: @clespta (follow us!)

CLES Parents & Guardians Facebook: 

PTA Volunteer Interest Form:

Technical difficulties with the website or emailing PTA members? For help or to report problems, please email: