How do I join the CLES PTA?
For the 2024/2025 school year, the membership fee for a parent/guardian is $10. $8 for teachers and staff.
Payment is processed through Givebacks (formerly Memberhub).
If you would like to sponsor the PTA membership fee for a family OR are a family that would like to join and would like assistance, please contact membership@clespta.org.
Questions about membership? Email membership@clespta.org.
Why should I join the PTA?
We encourage every CLES family to become a PTA member. We want a diverse membership base that reflects all of our families and meets the needs of all of our students.
By joining the CLES PTA, you also gain membership to the PTA Council of Howard County (PTACHC), the Free State PTA (Maryland), and the National PTA. Be an important voice for our children and school at the local, state, and national level.
When you join, you will be the first to receive our latest news and updates about events that impact your child in our school and community. If you have extra time and energy to volunteer, please let us know. If not, please let us know how we can help you and your children thrive.
Read more about What We Do and our Upcoming Events.
Get Involved
We’re always looking for volunteers, across all time availabilities and skill sets. If you’re interested in exploring ways to help, check out our Volunteer page.
Just like a video game, the CLES PTA has multiple levels of involvement.
Choose the Right Fit for YOU and Your Family This Year:
LEVEL 1: Join the PTA as a member - Simply signing up with a $10 membership is a great way to support the PTA and have a voice. No meetings required!
LEVEL 2: Get Involved - Attend meetings when you can, share ideas, and sign up for an occasional short-term volunteer opportunity.
LEVEL 3: Join a Committee - Serve in a specific role on a committee. Many roles are active only during certain times of the year.
LEVEL 4: Take a Leadership Role -- Lead or co-lead a committee. Serve as a co-chair for an event. Serve as the representative for CLES at the monthly PTA Council of Howard County (PTACHC) meetings, then report back to the rest of us.