2024 Silent Auction
annual auction to help fund our many educational and school support programs
Thank you to all the CLES community for making this year’s Spring Fair a great event!
Thank you to our generous sponsors, donors, and vendors.
Thank you to our CLES staff, teachers, and administrators.
We thank the volunteers from our CLES families and community, and everyone who showed up to share an amazing day.
Questions or comments about the Silent Auction? Please send email to silent.auction@clespta.org
Our 2024 Sponsors
Thank you to the all the following businesses, organizations, individual and family donors for supporting the CLES PTA.
Julia Sampaio ◦ Tanya Smith
B. Funk Dance Company ◦ Diane Spitalnic
Font Hill Neighbors ◦ Fulton Bank ◦ The Janicki Family ◦ OX Orthodontix ◦ The Reyes/Kurish Family
Cub Scout Pack 361 ◦ The Kunkle Family ◦ Lakeside Title Company ◦ Lockett’s Auto Care ◦ Mona Gahunia ◦ The Morgan Family ◦ Rachel Oxman ◦ The Staples Family ◦ WindJay Walkers