PTA Winter Bazaar

PTA Winter Bazaar

A fun shopping and fundraising event. Shop unique local shops and find amazing crafts. Come browse, shop, nosh, and socialize. Bring the kids, family, friends, and neighbors! There’s something for everyone!

NEW THIS YEAR - Book Donations & Kids Bingo Room!

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Gobble Gobble Give

Gobble Gobble Give

A few items still needed to support 20 local Howard County families for the annual CLES Gobble Gobble Give.

Drop off in the school vestibule or ship directly to the school by 4pm on November 18. (Deadline extended)

Still needed: $25 Walmart Gift Card (2), Cranberry Sauce (2), Canola Oil (1), Applesauce (4), Choc chip cookie mix (1)

If you’ve forgotten what you’ve signed up for, check the signup genius here:

Thank you to all who have contributed!

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PTA Meeting

PTA Meeting

UPDATE: The meeting location has been changed from Centennial Park to CLES Room #141. Due to the daylight savings time change, it will be too dark to hold the meeting at the park. We will try the park again in the Spring! We apologize for the last minute change.

This meeting will now have a virtual option.
Meeting link:

Join by phone:
(US) +1 276-335-0241
PIN: 884217690

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APFO 101 virtual training hosted by the PTA Council of Howard County

APFO 101 virtual training hosted by the PTA Council of Howard County

Please join us tonight for the APFO 101 virtual training hosted by the PTA Council of Howard County. All are welcome to attend.

Are you worried about Overcrowded schools? Increasing class sizes? Redistricting pressure? Educational funding?

Adequate Public Facilities Ordinances (APFO) covers all these topics.

PTACHC is hosting a 90 minute session "APFO 101" to cover concepts and answer questions.

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PTA Trunk or Treat & Family Heritage Event

PTA Trunk or Treat & Family Heritage Event

A fun and festive fall event for all CLES families, which features a costume parade, food trucks, and a ‘trunk-or-treat’ activity.

Sign up to decorate your vehicle’s trunk, or a table, or booth, to showcase a fall holiday, tradition, or family heritage. All are encouraged to dress in costumes or apparel that represents a fall holiday, tradition or culture from their family heritage.

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