2025 CLES PTA Science Fair
Thursday, March 13 at CLES
The Science Committee is happy to share that this year, CLES Science Fair will be on Thursday, March 13th, 2025!! We hope you take some time to sharpen those scientific skills and to work on your project!!
Important Dates
February 27 - Last Day for Early Bird Registration
Earn 1 extra Science Fair raffle ticket for registering early
March 7 - Last Day to Register Your Project
Each student that registers earns 1 Science Fair raffle ticket
March 13 - Science Fair Day!
6:30pm-7:00pm — Check-in & Setup
7:00pm-7:30pm — Keynote Speaker - a special guest from NASA
keynote presentation by local NASA astrophysicist, William Zhang, entitled: 'How Big Are They: From the Smallest to the Biggest in the Universe?'
7:30pm-8:30pm — Science Fair presentation and judging
browse student science projects, see a robotics demo, and participate in hands-on STEM activities with Centennial HS students from Team Cryptic Robotics
7:50pm, 8:10pm, and 8:30pm — Raffle Prize Drawings
Fun STEM prizes!
8:45pm — Science Fair Ends
Register Your Project
Questions about the Science Fair
- Complete the Project (according to the Project Planning Worksheet in the handbook found on our website)
- Make a display board, plan and practice your presentation (5 min max)
- At the Science Fair, you’ll present your project to a judge who will give you some constructive feedback
- NOTE; This is NOT a contest - just learn and have fun! There will be fun science-themed raffle prizes!
To encourage everyone to particpate, the judges will provide constructive feedback but not rank the projects. So there will be no 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes.
Instead, every participant will receive a prize for participating.
To encourage kids’ curiousity about science/engineering and to advocate doing their own research to understand the underlying knowledge.
The kids can learn, by preparing and presenting a small science fair project, to solve problems, be organized, work and communicate with others, be courageous at public speaking, and have fun.
Yes! Up to 3 students can work together per project.
Each participant in the sciene fair gets a ticket in the raffle to win various fun STEM prizes.
There willl be an EXTRA raffle for early bird registrants.
All raffles will take place at the Science Fair.
Need Ideas or Inspiration?
Check out some of these sources:
Volunteers Needed!
Please consider volunteering at the Science Fair. We need judges and general volunteers to help on March 13 from 7-9pm.
Questions about the Science Fair? Interested in volunteering at the fair? Please email Yang at science.fair@clespta.org