Order Your 2024-2025 CLES Yearbooks!
Order online at ybpay.lifetouch.com
Enter Yearbook ID: 15327025
Order deadline: March 31, 2025
Paperback is $20
Hardcover is $25
Questions, comments, or photo submissions for the yearbook committee?
Email Beth at yearbook@clespta.org
Submit Candid Photos
Tips and rules
Photos must be taken on school grounds or at school-sponsored events during this school year
Photos of CLES students, teachers, and staff only
High resolution & can clearly see faces
Tag the photos (in the upload process) with the grade level(s) of students pictured and event, if applicable [Tagged photos are more likely to be used.]
Upload soon! [Once I'm finished laying out each page, I won't update with pictures submitted later.]
Here's the link to submit your photos:
Last day to submit candid photos: April 5
Submit early for best chance to make it in the yearbook!