Saturday, May 17, 2025, 11am - 3pm

Sponsor | Volunteer | FAQ | Silent Auction
Our Spring Fair Committee Chairs
Jodi Neal | spring.fair@clespta.org
Katy Long | KatyFunkLong@gmail.com
Contact Us
If you have questions about volunteering for the 2024 Spring Fair or want the details to join our next meeting, please fill out this form or email us at:
There are several ways you can support our event and YOUR community:
We are actively seeking businesses, community organizations, families, groups and individuals to support our biggest fundraiser of the year. Below is a list of the current sponsorship opportunities. If you would like to support us, please complete this online form. Details and sponsorship perks are outlined HERE.
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
Ringmaster – $1,000 (premium booth location w/live business recognition during the event)
Big Top – $750 (prime booth location w/live business advertisement during the event)
Monetary donations of $500 or more will be recognized and published in various communications promoting the fair, including school newsletters, the CLES PTA website, and the Silent Auction website.
Activity/Game Booth Sponsorship Opportunities
Lion Tamer – $450
Acrobat – $350
Juggler – $250
Magician – $150
Sponsorship deadline – April 30th Sponsors can pay online or by check. If you would like to pay electronically, please click HERE. To pay by check, please mail or drop off a check to the school address at the bottom of this page. For additional sponsorship or donation information, please email us at sponsorship@clespta.org.
In addition to sponsorships, we are also seeking donations of items, gifts, professional services, and experiences for the Silent Auction & Raffles. If you would like to donate, please complete this online form no later than April 22nd (we’d like all donations received by April 24th). If you’d like suggestions for donations, please see our 2025 Amazon Wish List. You can reach our Silent Auction Chairs at silent.auction@clespta.org with any questions.
Money raised during the Spring Fair will help fund our various educational and school support programs, including cultural arts, award-winning PTA Health & Wellness Committee activities, teacher support and staff appreciation, as well as numerous community service and outreach activities. Moreover, the CLES PTA is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, making your donation fully tax-deductible (EIN #23-7366871).
We Need YOU to Make This Year's Spring Fair a Success!
The Spring Fair Planning Committee is in full swing, and we’re calling on our amazing community to join us!
To pull off the largest CLES fundraiser of the year, we need over 200 volunteers. Whether you have a little time or a lot, there are flexible opportunities to help both in-person and online.
Be part of this exciting event that benefits all our students.
Ready to get involved? Email us at spring.fair@clespta.org and let’s make this year’s Spring Fair unforgettable!
Urgently Needed Volunteer Positions
We need one parent/guardian volunteer for each classroom to assemble a basket for auction at the Spring Fair.
The Spring Fair Room Parent/Guardian will be asked to:
Create a list of suggested items and ask families to send the items to the classroom
Place a collection box in the classroom or designated area
Send reminder emails to encourage participation
Assemble the basket and write a short description
Coordinate getting the completed basket to Tanya Smith (silent.auction@clespta.org) by April 11th
Please open the document below to add your name to volunteer for the role:
Soliciting Co-chair
responsible for planning and leading a team that goes out and asks for donations
Tanya Smith and … need one co-chair
Operations Chairs
responsible for planning and leading a team to write basket descriptions, loading them into the online platform, loading the photos after basket-making, sending out receipts and thank yous, selling unsold items.
Implementation Chairs
responsible for (physical) donation intake (finding a location, tracking drop-offs), basket-making, taking photos, transportation of baskets to CLES.
responsible for working with interested clubs, companies and organizations to provide entertainment at the Fair, act as a liaison to the entertainment at the Fair.
responsible for coordinating volunteers and working with the Field Marshall to make sure all areas are cleaned up after the Fair.
responsible for working with the co-chair to plan crafts, order the supplies ahead of time and run the Crafts table during the Fair.
responsible for working with the co-chair to find and book Food Trucks, act as a liaison to the trucks at the Fair, select a vendor for Concessions, purchase snacks and drinks for Concessions, run Concessions at the Fair.
Next Volunteer Meeting:
Email spring.fair@clespta.org for details.
Fair FAQ
Basic information about the Spring Fair
The Spring Fair is the largest school event and fundraiser for the CLES PTA.
There will be several fun carnival style game booths, inflatables, food for purchase, a crafts station, face painting, temporary tattoos, photo opportunities, bake sale, silent auction, raffle, and more.
Saturday, May 17, 2025, 11am-3pm
No rain date.
On the CLES grounds, with attractions both indoors and outdoors.
The fair is open to the entire CLES community, friends and family, as well as all Howard County neighbors at large.
There is no cost to enter the fair, but tickets (or a wrist-band pass) must be purchased to participate in most fair activities.
The wrist-band pass will allow its holder one-time particpation in most activities, and some unlimited activities. A few activities wll be tickets only.
Tickets will be available for purchase BOTH before and at the fair.
Some tickets/wristbands will also be raffled during school lunches on Fair Fridays.
Before/Pre-Order (at a discount)
There will be an option to pre-order tickets and/or a wrist band pass at a discount. In the weeks prior to the fair, look for the flyer in your child’s folder and for CLES emails for details.
At the Fair
There will be several sites to purchase tickets at the fair.
The Fridays in May, leading up to the Spring fair are designated as "Fair Fridays".
All CLES students and staff are encouraged to participate by wearing red clothing, or any color CLES Spirit wear to school on Fair Friday.
Anyone who participates will be entered into a raffle drawing for a chance to win a prize during lunch time and also earn one raffle entry for the Grand prize: a Spring Fair wristband!
Participate in all Fair Fridays to increase your chances of winning the Grand prize!
It takes many volunteers to run the Spring Fair! There are many ways to help and different levels of involvement to fit your schedule.
Please sign up on our SignupGenius signup sheet!
Email Jodi and Katy (see above) for questions and for details on our next planning meeting.
Yes! Food Truck vendors will be on-site at the fair (cash or credit card), as well as the PTA Concessions Stand.
100% of all Spring Fair profits go to the CLES PTA budget towards academic, social, and cultural enrichment at CLES.
The CLES PTA is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN# 23-7366871).
Our 2025 Sponsors
Interested in being featured here as a CLES sponsor? Check out our Spring Fair sponsorship drive!