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International Festival

  • Centennial Lane Elementary School 3825 Centennial Lane Ellicott City, MD, 21042 United States (map)

International Festival

Date: Saturday, April 5, 2024 @12:00pm - 2:30pm

Location: CLES

The International Festival Family Event on Saturday, April 5, 2025 will celebrate the rich cultural heritage and diversity of CLES families with 


Reserve your spots now to ensure you are able to attend all activities (due to space restrictions) and help us better plan for the event. 


We still need volunteers for the welcome table and setup/cleanup. 


If you haven’t already signed up for the fashion show, or want to host a food table or display, register by 3/21. Note: Registration for the performances has closed. 


PRIORITY DEADLINE for Performance Sign Up is Friday, February 14, 2025. After this date, performance requests will still be accepted for wait list purposes. 

PERFORMANCE TYPES: Performances can include musical numbers, dance numbers, or any other showcase of a skill or talent that is suitable for performance on a stage. Performances cannot exceed 2 minutes in length.

SELECTION PROCESS: After the initial Feb. 14th sign up deadline, the DEI Committee will convene to review all submissions. While the Committee will do their best to accommodate all performance requests, signing up via this survey does NOT guarantee selection for your group to perform on April 5th. In efforts to maximize the participation of as many CLES students as possible, as well as represent as many cultures and heritages as possible, the Committee will prioritize performance requests that:

  • Are group performances, where multiple CLES families have children participating in the performance, or

  • Represent a heritage or culture that does not have another performance already selected.

NOTIFICATION OF SELECTION: Those who have submitted a performance request by the initial Feb. 14th deadline will hear back from the DEI Committee by Tuesday, Feb. 18th on their selection status.

If selected to perform please be aware of these requirements:

  • Mandatory dress rehearsal on Friday night, April 4th at 6 p.m.  

  • Digital music files (for dance performances) must be sent to by Thursday, March 13th.  

Table/Food Displays

DISPLAY TABLE: Displays can be created by placing items or photos on a table, or placing pictures and informational text on a poster board, and/or a digital slide show on a laptop screen. Displays can include items and information about holidays, traditions, clothing, food, family photos, etc. 

  • Family members can choose to set up the display ahead of time and do not need to stay at the table, or family members can sit at the table to answer questions and share information during the event.

SHARING FOOD AT EVENT: For those who wish to share food from their culture or heritage at this event, there are two ways to share food:

  1. Incorporating food samples as part of your family's table display, or

  2. Bringing food to contribute to the Tasting Table (as you are NOT doing a table display)

The PTA will provide tables for the display and utensils for the food(i.e. plates, bowls napkins, etc...)

For questions about this event, please contact the CLES PTA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee at:

March 31

LAST DAY for Yearbook Orders

April 9

PTA General Meeting